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Divide any length of any part of one of the objects to the length of the corresponding part of the other object.

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Q: How can you find the ratio of a scale?
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Perimeter ratio 100 and find scale factor?

The linear scale factor is 100.

How do you find scale factor?

# is the ratio of the demensions in the drawing to the corresponding actual dimensions. The scale factor for a scale drawing is the ratio of the dimensions in the drawing to the corresponding acual bimensions.

Is age an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

It is a ratio scale of measurement.

How do you find the scale factor of dilation?

The scale factor is the ratio of any side of the image and the corresponding side of the original figure.

The diameter of the moon is approximately one fourth of the diameter of the earth find the ratio of their surface areas?

Since the scale factor of the moon to the earth is 1:4, then the ratio of their areas will be the scale factor squared or 1:16. The ratio of their volumes will be the scale factor cubed or 1:64.

Is year is a ratio scale?

The year is interval scale (no natural zero); your age is ratio.

How is scale factor related to a ratio?

A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.A scale factor is the ratio of corresponding linear measures of two objects.

What is a scale written as a ratio called?

scale factor

What type of scale is the bar graph scale?

On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.On the "category axis", the scale may be nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio scale. On the frequency axis the scale must be numerical.

What gives the ratio that compares measurements of the drawing to the measurements of the real object?

It is the scale ratio or scale factor

Is BMI an interval or ratio scale of measurement?

Ratio. It has a true zero.

How can scale ratio be use in facility design?

Ratio scales and Bar scales are two scales that can determine the actual distance. Ratio scale is describes as the ratio of units in a smaller .