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If the percentage change is an increase.

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Q: How can you tell if your multiplier should be more than one?
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What is the definition of constant multiplier?

i believe that the definition of a constant multiplier is when you are obviously multiplying thing more than once

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Why is the money multiplier greater than 1?

The money multiplier is usually greater than 1 because as money is changing hands, it ends up benefiting more users than it would have if it was in a bank account.

What is the difference between a force multiplier and a speed multiplier?

A force multiplier increases the effectiveness of a force, such as equipment or technology, to achieve a greater impact with the same amount of effort. A speed multiplier, on the other hand, increases the speed or velocity of an object or process, allowing it to move faster or complete a task more quickly.

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No, you should never tell a girl her friend looks more beautiful than she does it will make her sad.

What does multiplier effect mean?

The multiplier effect describes how an increase in some economic activity starts a chain reaction that generates more activity than the original increase. The multiplier effect demonstrates the impact that reserve requirements set by the Federal Reserve have on the U.S. money supply.

Should i tell my husband that our son may not be biologically his?

Yes you should before it gets to late and it will be more hectic than it would be if you were to tell him now

How should I tell the girls that I like that I love them?

You shouldn't. You say "the girls I like" There's two problems here .... * more than one girl and * "I like" is not "I love" You should not tell more than one girl at a time that you love them.

How do you say to your boyfriend when he keeps speaking about your best friend?

tell him, " you got interest with my friend?" or " do you mind telling me more about her, i think you know her more than i do huh?" tell him that if he thinks she is more interesting than you then he should go out with her not you

Can a government spending multiplier be a value of less than 1?

Quite simply, no. The Spending multiplier, even on government spending, will always have a value of greater than one. It really is self-evident; for that money to be subjected to a multiplier, it must be circulating multiple times, therefore the first circulation (the initial spending) would result in a multiplier of one, and subsequent spends would increase the multiplier further

You are currently in a friends with benefits relationship but he wants it to be more and exclusive but you dont what should you do?

What you do is tell him to take it or leave it. Tell him you don't want anything to be more exclusive than it already is. Tell him he can have some of you or none at all.

Is a crowbar a force multiplier?

Yes, a crowbar can be considered a force multiplier because it allows a person to apply more force to an object than they could with their bare hands alone. By using leverage, a crowbar can make it easier to lift or move heavy objects.