It is already in two decimal places as 0.72
Two decimal places means two numbers after the decimal point. (which looks like a period)
16% = 0.16. To convert a percent into decimal format, always move the decimal two places to the left. So 10%=0.10, 200%=2.00, 3,000%=30.00, etc.
It is 0.69 to two decimal places
0.1717 rounded to two decimal places is 0.17
Setting the number of decimal places, in the number format, to 2.
Two decimal places.
There is a button entitled "increase decimal". Its location depends on the version of Excel you are using.First you must select the cell/s you wish to alter and then press the "increase decimal" button.In Excel 2003 it is on the Formatting toolbar. It has the appearance of a small blue arrow, pointing left and is followed by a decimal point and single zero, overlying a decimal point and a double zero and looks roughly like the following:← .0.00In Excel 2007 the button can be found in the following location: On the Home tab, in the Number group.Please see related links.
Yes, but you can then change the amount of decimal places you see.
accounting number
Currencies usually default to 2 dp.
FORMAT / Format Cells / Number tab / Number / 'Decimal places' window / fill in '2'.
If the number is accurate to two decimal places then you write it exactly as in the question.
zero values displayed as hyphens
It is: 2000/1760 = 1.14 miles rounded to two decimal places
The answer probably is no, because I do not believe there is any kind of Excel format called "control number." It sounds like you are asking about the number accounting format.