There \re 60 minutes in 1 degree
38/60 = 0.6333.... degrees
Add 22 degrees
22.06333.... degrees.
Some scientific caculators can convert degrees minutes and seconds into decimal degrees and vice versa as for example 60045'18'' = 60.755
You multiply by 60 to have it in minutes. If you have another decimal part, you multiply it by 60 to have it in seconds. Example: If you have 10.33°, then it is the same as 10°19.8', who is the same by the way as 10°19'48''.
Take the percentage and make it a decimal (100% = 1, 34% = .34, etc.) Take the decimal and multiply it by 360 The resulting number is the degrees of a circle. Hope this helps!
29ºF = -1.667ºC / Use this equation to convert degrees Fahrenheit (ºF) to degrees Celsius/Centigrade (ºC): [°C] = ([°F] - 32) × 0.556
430 degrees Fahrenheit = 221.1 degrees Celsius
Some scientific caculators can convert degrees minutes and seconds into decimal degrees and vice versa as for example 60045'18'' = 60.755
There are sixty minutes in a degree - so to convert degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60 !
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
Divide (minutes) by 60 to get the same angle in (degrees).
DMS button on calculator
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
It is 4335/60 = 43.583... degrees.
To convert decimal degrees east to decimal degrees west, you can subtract the east longitude from 360. For example, if the longitude is 80 degrees east, to convert it to degrees west, you would do: 360 - 80 = 280 degrees west.
Each degree is equal to 60 minutes, each minute is equal to 60 seconds; to convert seconds to minutes, divide the seconds by 60 and add to the minutes. Ex. (Assume the asterisk (*) is a degree sign) 51* 43' 20" 51* + 43' + (20/60)' 51* + 43' + (1/3)' Answer: 51* 43 (1/3)' Hopefully this is answering the question you had. If you want to convert Minutes and seconds into decimal degrees, use either formula below: ((Seconds/60) + Minutes)/60 + Degrees or Degrees + (Minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)
You multiply by 60 to have it in minutes. If you have another decimal part, you multiply it by 60 to have it in seconds. Example: If you have 10.33°, then it is the same as 10°19.8', who is the same by the way as 10°19'48''.
Works on the same principle as "60 seconds = 1 minute and 60 minutes = 1 hour (or degree in this case)... So for example: 2 degrees, 45 Minutes and 20 seconds is worked as follows: Now, 20 seconds = 0.33 minutes (i.e. 20/60); add to 45 minutes to get 45.33 minutes.. 45.33 minutes = 45.33/60 degrees = 0.7555 degrees. Therefore, final answer is 2 + 0.7555 = 2.7555 degrees.... Hope this helps!!
12 degrees. There are 60 mins in a degree, so 0.65*60 is 39 mins 12 degrees, 39 minutes.