There are sixty minutes in a degree - so to convert degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60 !
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There are 60 minutes of angle in one degree of angle.
To convert minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.
To convert degrees to minutes, you need to know the context in which the term "degrees" is being used. If you are referring to angles, there are 60 minutes in 1 degree. Therefore, 10 degrees would be equal to 600 minutes. However, if you are referring to temperature, where 1 degree is equivalent to 60 minutes, then 10 degrees would be equal to 600 minutes as well.
There are sixty minutes in a degree - so to convert degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60 !
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
Just "degree", not "arc degree". A degree has 60 minutes; therefore, to convert from degrees to minutes, you multiply by 60.
Some scientific caculators can convert degrees minutes and seconds into decimal degrees and vice versa as for example 60045'18'' = 60.755
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1 hour = 1 degree 1 hour = 60 minutes
There \re 60 minutes in 1 degree Hence 38/60 = 0.6333.... degrees Add 22 degrees Becomes 22.06333.... degrees.
You multiply by 60 to have it in minutes. If you have another decimal part, you multiply it by 60 to have it in seconds. Example: If you have 10.33°, then it is the same as 10°19.8', who is the same by the way as 10°19'48''.
1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.1 degree 58.8 minutes.
It's a method of measuring angles other than the more mainstream, simpler format. First you write the degree with the degree symbol, then you write the amount of minutes, which are 1/60 of a degree, and finally you write the seconds, which are 1/60 of minutes and therefore 1/3600 of a degree. It can be tricky to convert, but you should be able to do it back and forth with a graphing calculator.
Each degree is equal to 60 minutes, each minute is equal to 60 seconds; to convert seconds to minutes, divide the seconds by 60 and add to the minutes. Ex. (Assume the asterisk (*) is a degree sign) 51* 43' 20" 51* + 43' + (20/60)' 51* + 43' + (1/3)' Answer: 51* 43 (1/3)' Hopefully this is answering the question you had. If you want to convert Minutes and seconds into decimal degrees, use either formula below: ((Seconds/60) + Minutes)/60 + Degrees or Degrees + (Minutes/60) + (seconds/3600)
It's a method of measuring angles other than the more mainstream, simpler format. First you write the degree with the degree symbol, then you write the amount of minutes, which are 1/60 of a degree, and finally you write the seconds, which are 1/60 of minutes and therefore 1/3600 of a degree. It can be tricky to convert, but you should be able to do it back and forth with a graphing calculator.