Multiply it by a number that is large enough so that the numerator of the fraction becomes larger than its denominator.
Proper fractions are less than 1. Improper fractions are greater than 1. For a proper fraction to become an improper fraction, you would have to add a quantity that would make it greater than 1.
8.9 as an improper fraction is 89/10
4.08 as a mixed fraction is 4 2/25 or as an inproper fraction 102/25.
It is 8/3.
How to change a decimal fraction to proper fractions,0.09
You replace the n by an m: the proper term is "improper fraction".
You change the mixed number into an inproper fraction.
yes you do of course you do
The way that you change that fraction into an inproper fraction is by multiplying the 3 and the 9, then add the 2, and you divide it all by 3. So the answer would be 29 over 3.
You first change 1 forth to 1 fourth because otherwise it has no meaning. Then, 6 / (1/4) = 6 * (4/1) = 24/1 = 24, which is an integer, not an inproper (not inproper!) fraction.
To change an inproper fraction to a decimal you divide the denominator by the numeratorand once you do that and you find your decimal you bring it over two times to the right.
A proper fraction is when its numerator is less than its denominator as for example 3/4 whereas an improper fraction is when its numerator is greater than its denominator as for example 9/2
Proper fractions are less than 1. Improper fractions are greater than 1. For a proper fraction to become an improper fraction, you would have to add a quantity that would make it greater than 1.
It is 39/10.
It is 7/2.