Well, isn't that just a happy little question! To convert 5.25 to a mixed number, you can see that 5 is the whole number part and .25 is the fractional part. So, 5.25 as a mixed number is 5 1/4. Just like painting a beautiful landscape, sometimes all it takes is a little bit of patience and attention to detail to see the whole picture come together.
525 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.
525 is a whole number, as it does not contain a decimal point.
12 and 525/1000
Convert the mixed number to a decimal.
Convert them to improper fractions.
525 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.
525 is a whole number, as it does not contain a decimal point.
525 and 9/1000
12 and 525/1000
0.525 = 525/1000 = 21/40
Convert the mixed number to a decimal.
Convert the mixed number to a decimal and proceed.
Convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction, multiply by the whole number, convert the answer back to a mixed fraction (if required).
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Convert the whole number to a fraction with a common denominator. Proceed with the subtraction.
Convert them to improper fractions.
convert it into a mixed number
by taking the mixed number and multiplying it by the decimal.