To express 95 as a fraction, we can write it as 95/1. This is because any whole number can be represented as the number over 1. So, 95 as a fraction is simply 95/1.
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The answer depends on what you want to convert to a fraction and a fraction of what other quantity.
You just write the fraction and simplified if needed. Original answer:95/100 Simplified answer:19/20
If you want to make it a fraction of an hour, there are 60 mins in an hour. So 95/60 is 19/12. This is 158.33%
95 percent can be written as the fraction 19/20. To convert a percentage to a fraction, divide it by 100 and simplify if necessary. 95 divided by 100 is 0.95, which can be simplified to 19/20.
95 = 95/1 in fraction
The decimal is 95, exactly as in the question. 95 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you must express it as a fraction, it is 95/1.
95 as a fraction = 95/1
To express 95 as a fraction, we can write it as 95/1. This is because any whole number can be represented as the number over 1. So, 95 as a fraction is simply 95/1.
95 = 95/1
95% is 95/100 That fraction can be simplified to: 19/20
95 = 95/1
How do u convert .500 to a fraction
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