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To convert a fraction to a decimal, divide the denominator into the numerator. To convert a decimal to a percent, multiply it by 100. When rounding to a specific place, take a look at the digit immediately to the right of the target, in this case, the hundredths place. If that digit is 4 or less, zero everything to the right of the target out. If that digit is 5 through 9, increase the target by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If the target is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of the target by one.

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Q: How do you convert fractions into percents and round to the nearest tenth of a percent?
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How are percents related to fractions?

When you have 60% in fractions it is 60/100, because percent is alwase out of 100.

What is 5 round percents to the nearest whole percent?

It is 5%.

How are decimals fractions and percents alike?

decimals fractions and percents are all alike because they show parts of 100, per 100(percent, cent representing for 100, century)

How are fractions and percents similar?

a percent is a fraction out of 100 but instead of showing /100, you see %

How do you convert .99 to a percent?

To convert decimals to percents, multiply by 100. .99*100= 99%.

What is the percent of the fraction if the fraction is 1317 out of 4089?

To convert fractions to percents all you have to do is carry out the division. In this case it's 1317/4089. Plug that into your calculator and you'll get something like .32 To convert to a percent you multiply by one hundred, so if my guess was right it'd be 32%

Why can't a fraction or a decimal be used instead of a percent?

Surely percents can always be expressed as fractions or decimals, but percents are useful for comparing values- percents are essentially fractions all of the same denominator so they are easier to compare. Example: which is bigger 9/20 or 88/200 ? which is bigger 45% or 44% ? The percent question is easier to answer even though the numbers are the same.

How do you convert fractions with percent signs into normal fractions?

by dividing the number by 100.

How are fractions decimals and percents linked?

well if you use tenths or higher that is your percent. ex. 1/10 =10 /100

What is 9 percent expressed as a fraction?

9/100. Percents can be turned into fractions by placing the given number over 100

0.023 as a percent?

0.023 = 2.3% Simply move the decimal to the right twice and attach the percent sign when you convert decimals to percents.

What is a fraction for 37.5 percent?

All percents are really fractions with a denominator of 100; in fact, "percent" is from the Latin for "per 100". So 37.5% = 37.5/100.