Some scientific calculators can't handle complex or imaginary numbers. If you happen to have a special calculator that does, probably the manual will tell you how to enter them.
The HP 48 and up series does. It depends on if your calculator is in Polar Coordinate mode or X-Y coordinate mode, but a quick way to get the imaginary number i (regardless of which mode the calculator is currently in), is to press -1, then 'square root' button.
to disable the drives go to run and type regedit and press enter after press enter
if you are using an algebra calculator you press, 2nd, +, 7, 1, 2 enter
Hourly Paycheck Calculator Use this calculator to help you determine your paycheck for hourly wages. First, enter your current payroll information and deductions. Then enter the hours you expect to work, and how much you are paid. You can enter regular, overtime and one additional hourly rate. This calculator has been updated to use the new withholding schedules for 2010.
Net to Gross Paycheck Calculator This calculator helps you determine the gross paycheck needed to provide a required net amount. First, enter the net paycheck you require. Then enter your current payroll information and deductions. We will then calculate the gross pay amount required to achieve your net paycheck. This calculator has been updated to use the new withholding schedules for 2010.
You can enter complex fractions on a TI-Inspire calculator, even though there is not a fraction button. Since a fraction bar essentially means to divide, so the division button is a fraction bar.
Depending on the calculator, the button may be labeled "E", "EE", "ENG", or "EXP"
It depends on the calculator. A regular calculator cannot handle very much while a scientific calculator can handle larger numbers.
-3.02881695914383, or about -3.0288. On your scientific calculator, press the LOG key, put in the number, and hit ENTER.
= or ent or enter
You can enter Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23, into a calculator by directly typing in the numerical value or by using scientific notation (6.022E23 or 6.022 x 10^23, depending on the calculator model).
Press the button labeled "COS"
That depends on what kind of calculator you have. 3.75 million would be 3750000. But on a scientific calculator you could also enter it as 3.75[EE]06 which is the same as 3.75*10^6.
Plug 4! (four factorial) into your calculator (scientific and above) and hit enter to give the answer 24
If you are using a scientific calculator you will have a key labelled "log". To find the logarithm (to base 10) of a number, simply enter "log" followed by the number that you want to log. If you want a natural logarithm - log to the base e - use the "ln" key instead. If you haven't got a scientific calculator, use the one on your computer.
Either enter 1800000 or 1.8 * 106 Usually the second form will need to be entered with the calculator set to scientific mode. The exact key sequence will depend on the calculator.
If you're using the Casio Scientific Calculator, then you should:-1. Enter the # (n)2. Press Shift3. Press the divide buttong (just above the - button)4. A C will appear5. Enter the # (r)
to disable the drives go to run and type regedit and press enter after press enter