Well, darling, to express one and a half thousandths in decimal form, you simply write it as 0.0015. It's as easy as pie! Just move that decimal three places to the left and voilà, you've got your answer.
It is 0.0015 inches.
We write two and a half as 2.5 in decimal form.
It is 0.501
It is 6.0005
It is 0.0015 inches.
We write two and a half as 2.5 in decimal form.
The number one and a half as 1.5 in decimal form.
decimal form of a half (1/2) = 0.5 1/2: = 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5 in decimal
1 half in decimal form = 0.5
Half of 4.5 in decimal form is 2.25
six and one-half in decimal form = 6.56 1/2 = 6.5
Fifty-four hundredths.