It is simply 712/1 as an improper fraction
As a fraction, 3/1 As a decimal, 3 As a percent, 300%
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
Expressed as a decimal, 16/10000 is equal to 0.0016.
(712)/2, (1424)/4
7 is an integer. It is not a fraction. There is, therefore, no sensible way to express it as a decimal fraction.
It is simply 712/1 as an improper fraction
As a fraction, 3/1 As a decimal, 3 As a percent, 300%
The decimal is 95, exactly as in the question. 95 is an integer, not a fraction. But, if you must express it as a fraction, it is 95/1.
To write 712 thousandths in decimal format, you would place the decimal point three places to the left of the rightmost digit, which is 2. This gives you 0.712. This is because each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10 that is one-tenth the value of the place to its immediate left.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction. Any fraction can be expressed as a decimal by dividing the denominator into the numerator.
3/4 = 0.75
percentage, decimal, fraction
Expressed as a decimal, 16/10000 is equal to 0.0016.
No, not all can be put to a fraction like in algebra this year we can't.