You can multiply it by the denominator of the fraction you want to turn it in to. For example, .125 * 8 = 1, therefore, 1/8 = .125. Keep in mind that only some decimals can be made into simplified fractions. For example, .453 can be represented in simplest form as 453/1000.
Not all decimals can be expressed as fractions. Only terminating and recurring decimals can be expressed as fractions. eg a recurring decimal: 0.3333333... = 1/3 A terminating decimal: 0.125 = 1/8 A decimal that does not recurr or terminate, cannot be expressed as a fraction. eg Pi = 3.141592654... Pi can not be expressed as a fraction as it does not recurr or terminate. It can only be approximated to a fraction. eg Pi ≈ 355/113 but is correct to 6 decimal places.
Usually to rename a fraction as a decimal the little fraction symbol and the decimal stand for the word "and". Or if you have a whole number in the fraction then that number would be your "and" for example 3 1/2 would be three and one half in words right... so 3.5 is your decimal I LOVE ZAYN <3
The number 3.33333 is a rational number, specifically a repeating decimal. It can be expressed as 10/3 in fraction form, which means it can be written as a ratio of two integers. Rational numbers can be written as terminating decimals or repeating decimals, like in this case.
As a fraction, 3/1 As a decimal, 3 As a percent, 300%
fraction and a decimal for 0.3 : 3/10 ; 0.30.3 * 10/10 = 3/10 in fraction0.3 = 0.3 in decimal
Integers can be implied decimals or fractions. 3 is the same as 3.0 3 is the same as 3/1 As a general rule, decimals and fractions are distinct from integers.
How 1 half, 1/2 (fraction notation), is written in decimal notation (with 3 decimals) ? 1/2 = 0.500
A Recurring Decimal. There are two typeso recurring decimals. . They are Rational nad Irrational. Rational decimals can be converted to a quotient(fraction) e.g. 0.3333... = 1/3 Irrational deciamsl CANNOT be converted to a Quotient (fraction). e.g. 3.141592.... NB For recurring decimals always place at least three dots after the last decimal to indicate . 'to infinity'.
Not all decimals can be expressed as fractions. Only terminating and recurring decimals can be expressed as fractions. eg a recurring decimal: 0.3333333... = 1/3 A terminating decimal: 0.125 = 1/8 A decimal that does not recurr or terminate, cannot be expressed as a fraction. eg Pi = 3.141592654... Pi can not be expressed as a fraction as it does not recurr or terminate. It can only be approximated to a fraction. eg Pi ≈ 355/113 but is correct to 6 decimal places.
Assuming that the question can be represented thus: Show the fraction "3/8" in decimal figures. The fraction "1/2" = 0.5 in decimal figures. The fraction "1/4" (or, half of a half) = 0.25 in decimals. "1/8" (or, half of half a half) = 0.125 therefore the answer to the question. 3/8 = (0.125 x 3) = 0.375 I hope this helps you to understand the relationship between fractions and decimals.
The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 2/3 = 2 divided by 3 Any fraction can be converted to a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator.
The decimal 5.300 is equivalent to the fraction 53/10 or the mixed number 5 and 3/10.
Well if they are already a fraction you do not need to convert them to a fraction. If you mean "How do you convert fractions to decimals" then I can help you there. If you have a fraction you want to make a decimal you simply divide. The little bar in the fraction means "divide" So if you have 3 over 4, you simply divide 3 by 4 which equals .75.
Underlining is used in questions asked about decimals, not in decimal notation.A bar across the top of a decimal number means that the number (or numbers) are repeated infinitely as the decimal equivalent of a fraction, such as 1/3 (0.3333) or 1/7 (0.142857142857142857).
Usually to rename a fraction as a decimal the little fraction symbol and the decimal stand for the word "and". Or if you have a whole number in the fraction then that number would be your "and" for example 3 1/2 would be three and one half in words right... so 3.5 is your decimal I LOVE ZAYN <3
Both can be either. For example, 1.4 is a rational decimal. 1.41421356 (...) is the decimal representation for sqrt(2), an irrational. 2/5 is a rational fraction. sqrt(2)/3 is an irrational fraction.
0.3 is the decimal expression for three tenths, which as a fraction is 3/10. 3/10 is an equivalent fraction to 30/100. 30/100 when expressed as a percentage is 30%.