Decimals: Blood alcohol level, making change, Fractions: Musical time signatures, slicing pizza. Converting a big recipe into a smaller recipe. Percent: Sales tax. Interest on credit cards.
I sometimes convert fractions to different fractions when I change recipes to make more or less than is specified in the original recipe. I also convert fractions when woodworking.
Make the recipe for brownies cook until hot but not solid and still a liquid vwala! brownie soup
It is unnecessary to buy a brownie recipe since there are so may that can be found online for free!,,, and have a ton that you can choose from!
Tool includes a Brownie recipe in one of their songs. The recipe is in German.
A brownie's protein content is entirely dependent on the ingredients used. For example, a brownie recipe that uses a lot of eggs will have more resulting protein.
Well, it depends on the category. My personal favorite recipe is for Candy-Topped Brownie Torte from If you want the recipe, just go to and in the top left search box search Candy-Topped Brownie Torte.
Depending on what kind of diet one is on, chocolate brownie recipes adhering to that diet can be found on a variety of websites. Gluten free brownie recipes can be found on Gluten Free Girl, a Diet Coke brownie recipe can be found on the Huffington Post and Eat Yourself Skinny sites, and a recipe for general diet brownies can be found on the Diethood site.
Yes. See link below:
I don't know but chuck Norris might
It depends on the recipe and size of the brownie, but on average, a 2" square of a blondie brownie has about 200-250 calories.