

How do you put .58 into a fraction?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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6y ago

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0.58 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 58/100 which can be simplified, if required.

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6y ago
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To change percentage to fractions, put the percentage number over 100. So, 58% is 58 over 100.

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58 is an integer, not a fraction and there is no sensible way to express it as a fraction.

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58 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 58/1.

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.58 as a fraction is 58/100. In lowest terms it is 29/50.

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58 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of expressing it as a fraction.

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if it's a number like 4, 22 or 58, you put it over 1.

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The fraction would be 58/60 which can be reduced to 29/30.

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58 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of writing it as a improper fraction.

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58% is the same as 0.58 and the fraction 58/100

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58% = 58/100 = 29/50

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48 + 58 = 106, which is an integer, not a fraction.