how would you write 0.58 as a fraction
5.8% as a decimal is .058.
0.003 as a fraction is 3/1000
73% as a fraction is: 73/100
I would write it as decimal fraction or an improper fraction. For example, three and a quarter = 3.25 or 31/4.
The decimal fraction for 3.588 would be 3.588/1000
5.8% as a decimal is .058.
0.003 as a fraction is 3/1000
the fraction 0.112 can be written as 112/1000 or 14/125, to write it in its simplfied fraction from you would write 14/125
0.1 is equivalent to 1/10 as a fraction.
77/100 is the lowest you can go with that fraction.
73% as a fraction is: 73/100
It is: 50% = 1/2 as a fraction
I would write it as decimal fraction or an improper fraction. For example, three and a quarter = 3.25 or 31/4.
I would simplify it after I write it,and I would wind up with 1/5 .
As an improper fraction in its simplest form it is: 103/2
The decimal fraction for 3.588 would be 3.588/1000