To write the number 70009 in words, you would say "seventy thousand nine." This is because the first two digits, 70, represent the thousands place, and the last two digits, 09, represent the units place. So, when you combine them, it becomes "seventy thousand nine."
Any number can be put into decimal form.
The number word for the number 6 is "six".
Oh, dude, it's like you take the number 4 and the number 72, and you put them together. So, 4.72 in word form is "four point seven two." It's not rocket science, just a bit of reading and writing, you know?
you put a dot on the number.
When you take a number and a place value word and put them together. For example: 456,000 456 thousand
The number of trees on the earth are innumerable.
Technically pi is two letters put together to form a word. How ever, the word "pi" does represent the number 3.14159265... (or simply 3.14).
Ninety-one thousand, seventy-six.
bundle, number, tranche, portfolio, range, host, amountAs in boat, or canoe? Something you put in the water?
8,501 = eight thousand five hundred one.
It won't be necessary to supply your social security number when applying for this position.
Be sure you put the decimal point in the right spot. The decimal in that number is after the 2.
You can put poly (= many) to denote a plane shape bounded by an unspecified number of straight lines or a Greek prefix for any number from three upwards to denote a polygon with the specified number of sides.
the answer is a number. if you put it in expanded form then it would be : 500,000 + 20 = 500,020 if you want to put it in word form the it would be: five hundred and twenty thousand
The word "corn" has one syllable. To determine how many syllables any word has, you can put your hand under your chin and say the word. The number of times that your chin goes down and hits your hand is the number of syllables it has.
You don't have the complete question here. "...between a number" and what? First figure out what operation is being used, and then put that operation in the place of the "and" in the statement. Since difference is subtraction, you will put a minus sign in place of the "and" that should be after the word, "number." So, your answer will be as follows: 4/(x - ___) Fill in the blank with what ever is says after the word, "number,"