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Q: How do you represent both integers and real numbers on a number line?
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What is the relationship between irrational numbers and rational numbers?

An irrational number is a number that can't be expressed by a fraction having integers in both its numerator and denominator. A rational number can be.

Can a rational number be negative in the denominator?

Yes. It can also be negative in the numerator. Both positive and negative numbers (as well as zero) can be rational numbers. Both positive and negative numbers can be irrational numbers. Both positive and negative numbers (as well as zero) can be integers.

What is the quotient of positive and negative integers?

The quotient is what you get when you divide two numbers. If both numbers are positive, the quotient will be positive. If both numbers are negative, the quotient will be positive. If one number is positive and one number is negative, their quotient will be negative.

Every rational number can be expressed as a ratio of integers?

Yes, A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a fraction whose numerator and denominator are both integers. (For example, 7/3 is a rational number, but pi/3 is not.) Thus, any terminating decimal number is a rational number. Recurring decimals and integers are also rational numbers as they can all be expressed as fractions.

What is whole number but not a counting number?

There are no whole numbers that are not also counting numbers. Both terms mean the same subset of numbers: positive integers greater than zero. Some people consider zero to be a whole number but not a counting number, because you can't "count" zero.

Related questions

Can a number be both prime and irrational?

No. Prime numbers are positive integers, and integers are not irrational.

Is twenty-five both a rational number and an integer?

Yes, it is both. All integers are rational numbers.Yes, it is both. All integers are rational numbers.Yes, it is both. All integers are rational numbers.Yes, it is both. All integers are rational numbers.

How can you represent how to sets of whole numbers integers and rational numbers are related to each other?

Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.

What number is both a rational number and an integer?

All integers are rational numbers.

What number do 7 and 15 have in common?

7 and 15 have the number 1 in common as they are both odd numbers. Additionally, they are both integers and prime numbers.

How can you represent how to set of whole numbers integers and rational numbers are related to each other?

Concentric circles. The set of whole numbers is a subset of the set of integers and both of them are subsets of the set of rational numbers.

Is 100 and 200 a whole number or natural number?

They are both whole numbers (integers) and natural numbers.All natural numbers are integers, but integers is a larger group of numbers.The group consists of the natural numbers, zero and the whole negative numbers (e.g. '-4' and '-560').

Is 0 an integer or a whole number?

Whole numbers are the integers; 0 is both.

Are positive numbers are integers?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.

Are integers positive numbers?

No. you could have, for example, -4 or 4 (or any other minus or positive number). Both are integers.

What numbers are considered irrational?

An irrational number is a number that can't be expressed by a fraction having integers in both its numerator and denominator.

How can you represent how the sets of whole numbers integers and rational numbers are related to each other?

Whole numbers and integers are identical sets. Both are proper subsets of rational numbers.If Z is the set of all integers, and Z+ the set of all positive integers then Q, the set of all rational numbers, is equivalent to the Cartesian product of Z and Z+.