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No. Prime numbers are positive integers, and integers are not irrational.

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Q: Can a number be both prime and irrational?
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Are irrational numbers prime?

A prime number is a natural number that has no natural number as a factor other than itself or 1. An irrational number is not a natural number, so an irrational number can't be prime.

Will the square root of a prime number be rational or irrational?

Nice question! The square root of (any number that isn't a perfect square) is irrational. No prime number is a perfect square. So the square root of any prime number is irrational.

Is radical 5 arational number?

√ 5 is an irrational number. Any square root of a prime number is irrational.

What number is both a natural number and irrational number?

No natural number is irrational.

When you multiply an irrational number by a rational number will the answer always be irrational rational or both?

It will be irrational.

Is the square root of 19 irrational or rational?

The square root of the prime number 19 is an irrational number

Are there numbers that are both rational and irrational?

No, no number can be both rational and irrational.

If Dividing a irrational number by an irrational will be a irrational?

Yes normally but if both irrational number are the same then the quotient will be 1

How is root 2 irrational?

2 is a prime number and its square root is an irrational number that cannot be expressed as a fraction

How can you prove that the square root of three is an irrational number?

Because 3 is a prime number and as such its square root is irrational

Is 11 a rational or irrational number?

It is a rational number and also a prime number

What is a called number when it is not a prime or composite number?

It could be a fraction or an irrational number.