8000000040000001008 in standard form is: 8,000,000,040,000,001,008
To write 0.034 in decimal standard form, you would move the decimal point two places to the right to make it a whole number. This gives you 34. Therefore, 0.034 in decimal standard form is 0.034 = 34 x 10^-3.
It is already in standard form.
It is already in standard form.
9,670 is the standard form.
8000000040000001008 in standard form is: 8,000,000,040,000,001,008
It is already in standard form as written.
It is already in standard form as written.
It is: 7.0*10^10 in standard form or scientific notation
This way: 0.13
To convert 0.00436 to standard form, we need to move the decimal point to the right until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point. This means shifting the decimal point four places to the right, resulting in 4.36 x 10^-3 in standard form.
To write 1.45 in standard form, you would move the decimal point two places to the right to make it a whole number. This gives you 145. Therefore, 1.45 in standard form is 145.
13,200,000 And by the way . . . you don't right with a pencil. You write with it.
681000 In standard form is six hundred and eighty-one thousand