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It is 400.

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Q: How do you round 449 to the first digit?
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How do you round 449 to the nearest ten?

To round 449 to the nearest ten, you look at the digit in the tens place, which is 4. Since this digit is less than 5, you keep the tens digit the same and change all digits to the right of the tens place to zero. Therefore, rounding 449 to the nearest ten results in 450.

How do you round off to the nearest 100 for 449?

To round off 449 to the nearest 100, we look at the digit in the tens place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, we keep the hundreds place digit the same and change all digits to the right to zero. Therefore, rounding 449 to the nearest 100 gives us 400.

What is 0.76133 to one decimal place?

0.8To round to 1 decimal place we look at the second digit after the decimal point and ask if it is equal to or greater than 5. If it is we round the first digit up (add 1 to it). If not we round down (the first digit remains the same).Here the second digit is "6" and so we round the first digit up to "8".

How do you round 449 to the nearest 100?

The hundreds, on either side of 449 are 400 and 500. 449 is 49 away from 400, and 51 away from 500. So the nearest hundred is 400.

How do you round 87 and frame the first digit?

you should round it to the nearest tenth and box the first number

What is the round off to the nearest tens of 449?

It is: 450

How do you round something to the nearest ten?

If first digit of a number is 0-4, round down. If it is 5-9, round up.

How do you turn 5280 into a number with only one significant digit?

You keep the first digit, replace the remaining digits with zero, and check whether you need to round the first digit up or not.

How do you round up or down when the last digit of significant digit is 5?

When the last digit of a significant digit is 5 and we need to round it, we follow a rule called "round half up". This means that we round the digit up to the nearest number if the digit before it is odd, and round down if it's even. For example, 2.5 would round up to 3, while 3.5 would also round up to 4.

How many numbers round to 400?

350 to 449 -- 100 numbers

Round 2.857142857 to three decimal places?

2.857Because the digit after the first 7 is less than 5, we round down.

How do you round of 22.50 to the nearest dollar?

As the first digit after the decimal point is a 5, we round up to give 23 as the answer.