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You keep the first digit, replace the remaining digits with zero, and check whether you need to round the first digit up or not.

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Q: How do you turn 5280 into a number with only one significant digit?
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What is the four-digit smallest number?

1,000 is the lowest base-10 number that requires 4 significant digits. "0,000" is also a 4-digit number, but the only significant digit is the final zero.

What is the number 2000 in terms of one significant term?

2000 only has one significant digit.

327 as one significant figure?

The number 327 to one significant figure is 300. The digit 3 is the first and only significant figure, and numbers after this digit are considered not significant.

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The sum of numbers can have as many significant figures as the number with the least significant figures in the original numbers. For example, if you add numbers with 3, 4, and 5 significant figures, the sum will have 3 significant figures.

How many significant figures does the number 10600 have?

Five. A number with only five digits, such as 10600, with a non-zero left hand digit (the number 1 in this case) has five significant figures.

Is 01 is two digit number?

Yes, it is by definition a 2 digit number. (At degree level anyway, however at secondary schools you may be taught differently. It depends on what definition your teacher uses). However if you're referring to "significant digits", it has only one significant digit (the 1).

What is 1x1.0?

1 The first number has only 1 significant digit, so the answer cannot be more accurate than that.

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14 is 125 % of the number 14/1.25 = 11.2, where the digit after the decimal point is depressed because it may not be significant. (The datum 14 has only two significant digits.)

What is 1 digit number?

A one digit number is a number with only one number. For example: 12 is a two digit number. It has two numbers. 3 is a one digit number because it only has one number.

According to the rules of significant figures 4.57 plus 6.3 equals 10.9 This is because the least precise value in the problem is 6.3 which is precise only to the tenths digit so the answer must a?

But according to the rules of significant figures, the least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer which, in this case, would be 11.

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0.0357 has three significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.

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