To convert this to a whole number you have to round it - in this case it would round to 38.
6 If the decimal place is 4 or less, go down. 5 or more, go up.
The number 1 is the closest whole number to 1.283.
It is 365986 rounded to the nearest whole number
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
To get the nearest whole number you first write the number of units you have. In this case, that number is 67. The next step is to look at the fraction and ask if it's greater than or equal to a half, in which case you round down. Otherwise, you round up. In this case, we have nine tenths, which is greater than a half, so you round 67 up to 68. Thus, the nearest whole number to 67 and 9/10 is 68.
The nearest whole number is 67
It is 67, exactly as in the question.
A whole number or integer such as 67 is not normally converted into mixed number
If a number is already a whole number, and you are being asked to round it to the nearest whole number, then you don't need to round it anymore, since itself is the nearest whole number.
To convert this to a whole number you have to round it - in this case it would round to 38.
It is 67.
It is 67.
67.467 rounded to the nearest whole number is 67.
You can not round a whole number to a decimal number.
to get a whole number, only 1
6 If the decimal place is 4 or less, go down. 5 or more, go up.