To the nearest hundred it will round down to zero.
You calculate the percentage and then round the answer to the nearest whole number.
It is 365986 rounded to the nearest whole number
7.2 = 7 ( to nearest whole number).
1,663.2 to the nearest whole number = 1,663
It might have been possible if you could have been bothered to include "this number".
Round this number to the nearest hundredth 0.3636 ? Round this number to the nearest hundredth 0.3636 ?
A whole number does not include the fractions or decimal places.34.84 would round up to 35.
To the nearest whole number: 520
round it by cubic meters
It's already there.
How do u round 57.3 to the nearest whole number
To the nearest tenth: 4.5To the nearest whole number: 5
If a number is already a whole number, and you are being asked to round it to the nearest whole number, then you don't need to round it anymore, since itself is the nearest whole number.
To the nearest hundred it will round down to zero.
85.5-29.5 round to nearest is 65.25-5.3