It is six, to one decimal place.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, this is equal to 0.6.
fracton 3/5ths decimal 0.60
As there are a maximum of 60 minutes in an hour, 55 minutes in decimal form would be 55 divided by 60, which is 0.91666.
60 = sixty
49/60 in decimal form = 0.816749/60:= 49 ÷ 60= 0.8167 in decimal
Sixty minutes.
60 years of a century in decimal form would be 0.60 of a century.
60% = 0.60
decimal form = 0.60 percentage form = 60 %
To write 60 hundredths in decimal form, you would write it as 0.60.
The decimal would be .60.
60% = 0.6
50/60 = 50 ÷ 60 = 0.833333