To reduce fractions to the lowest terms, you must find the highest number that will divide into both the numerator and the denominator. Divide both the numerator by the same number and the result will be a fraction reduced to its lowest terms. Example: to reduce 7/35 to its lowest terms, find the biggest number that will divide into both the numerator and the denominator. In this case, the number would be 7. Divide as explained above 7/7 = 1 (new numerator); 35/7 = 5 (new denominator) lowest term of 7/35 is 1/5. Another example: To reduce 6/9, the highest number would be 3, follow through as explained and the lowest term is 2/3.
It is: 0.050 = 1/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
It is: 5.4 = 27/5 in its lowest terms
Fractions and ratios sometimes need to be reduced to lower terms. Numbers never do. In fact, "lowest terms" is meaningless when you're talking about a number.
When reducing fractions to their lowest terms
When adding or subtracting fractions with different denominators and when reducing fractions to their lowest terms.
It is already in lowest terms.
Only fractions can be in lowest terms. Since 2160 is a whole number, it is already in lowest terms.
It is already in lowest terms.
It means to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as for example 4/8 = 1/2 in its lowest terms
18/35 is the lowest term.
In their lowest terms
6/17 is in its lowest terms. 2/8 = 1/4
The term for the simplest form for fractions is "lowest terms". If the greatest common factor of the numerator and the denominator is 1, then the fraction is in lowest terms.
Fractions have lowest terms, but integers (whole numbers) don't.
67% = 67/100