2.6666 = 26666/10000 or 13333/5000 in fraction
To express 133.33 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal part. The decimal .33 can be written as 33/100 because there are two decimal places. Next, we add the whole number 133 to the fraction, giving us 133 33/100. This can be simplified further to 133 1/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator of 33/100 by 33.
150% as a decimal translate to: 1.50. In fraction form this would equate to exactly 150/100.
Every fraction is an equivalent fraction: each fraction in decimal form has an equivalent rational fraction as well as an equivalent percentage fraction.
A fraction that has a different sign to the first fraction.
2.6666 = 26666/10000 or 13333/5000 in fraction
It is a rational number because it can also be expressed as a fraction
To express 133.33 as a fraction, we first need to consider the decimal part. The decimal .33 can be written as 33/100 because there are two decimal places. Next, we add the whole number 133 to the fraction, giving us 133 33/100. This can be simplified further to 133 1/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator of 33/100 by 33.
492km/h 08/60= .13333 .13333/64= 492.3km/h
As the World Turns - 1956 1-13333 was released on: USA: 14 August 2008
60 percent of 13,333 is equal to 7,999.8
13,333 miles = 844,778,880 inches
it has 11000 branches and 6 associate banks in india.
that would be 20000 two pointers or about 13333 three pointers
150% as a decimal translate to: 1.50. In fraction form this would equate to exactly 150/100.
The fraction 1/5 should translate to 0.2