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A fraction that has a different sign to the first fraction.

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Q: A fraction times a negative fraction equals?
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Negative times a positive equals?

positive times negative equals negative. positive times positive equals positive. negative times negative equals positive

What are the negative and positive rules in math?

A negative times a negative equals a positive A negative times a positive equals a negative A positive times a positive equals a positive

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A negative times a negative equals a positive

What is a positive times a negative?

It is a negative. Always remember this: -A positive times a positive equals a negative -A negative times a negative equals a positive -A negative times a positive equals a negative *This works ONLY for addition and multiplication I hope this info helped you! :)

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What times what equals 30 and also equals negative 11?

Well, well, well, aren't you a tricky one. The answer to your little riddle is -3 times -10, which equals 30, and also equals -11 when you add them together. Math can be fun when you throw in some negatives, huh?

What does negative times a negative equal?

A negative times a negative equals a positive.

What is a negative times a postive?

Positive times negative equals negative.

What if you have a negative times a possitive?

Negative times positive equals negative

What is negative 42 divided by seven thirds?

-42 / 7/3 = -18 To divide by a fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal of the fraction. the reciprocal of seven thirds is three sevenths. Negative 42 times three sevenths equals negative 18.

What multiplication fraction equals negative 10?

None. -10 is an integer, not a fraction.

Is a negative divided by a negative the same as a positive times a positive?

Well a negative times a negative equals a positive while as a positive times a positive equals a positive.