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Q: How do you write 0.25 as a quotient of two integers?
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How do you write -6 as a quotient of two integers?

-6 / 1

How do you write 5555555555555 as a quotient of two integers?

You could write it as 5555555555555/1.

How do you write 0.3555555. as a quotient of two integers?

16 divided by 45

How do you write 0.573 as a quotient of two integers?

0.573 = 573/1000

How do you determine the sign of a quotient two integers?

-- If the two integers have the same sign, their quotient is positive. -- If the two integers have different signs, their quotient is negative.

What can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positivenegative and zero?

When the quotient of two integers is positive, either both integers are positive or both negative. When the quotient of two integers is negative, one of the integers is positive and one negative. When the quotient of two integers is zero, the first integer is zero and the second one is anything but zero.

How do you write 24 as a quotient of two integers?

sorry i don't know but you can check your math book

How do divide integers?

* The quotient of two positive integers or two negative integers is positive. * The quotient of a positive integer and a negetive integer is negetive.

How willyou describe the quotient of two positive or two negative integere?

As a quotient of two integers!

What is the quotient of two integers 22?


Is the quotient of two integers always an integer?

Here are a few familiar quotients of integers:1/22/33/47/10The quotient of two integers is seldom an integer.

What is the quotient of two integers with the same sing?

The quotient has a positive sing in that case.