write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
A Lakh, Lac or Lacs is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000) units. 12 lakhs is therefore equal to 1,200,000 or One million two hundred thousand units.
12/100 will do.
.12 in words is twelve hundredths.
You write it: twelve
It is twelve hundred.
twelve million
Twelve twenty-one.
twelve million dollars
write the following decimal numbers in words .0087945
y/12 + 8 = 2
A Lakh, Lac or Lacs is a unit in the Indian numbering system equal to one hundred thousand (100,000) units. 12 lakhs is therefore equal to 1,200,000 or One million two hundred thousand units.
Twelve September nineteen ninety six.