To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.
To write 9.75 as a decimal, you simply write the whole number part followed by a decimal point and then the decimal part. Therefore, 9.75 can be written as 9.75 in decimal form.
To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9
Assuming that 213 repeats itself over again, the fraction would be 213/999, which is 71/333 in simplest form.0.213 = 213⁄1000
To write 130 as a decimal, you simply write it as 130.0 or 130.00. This indicates that there are no additional decimal places beyond the whole number 130. Another way to represent 130 as a decimal is to write it as 130.000, which emphasizes that there are no decimal values present.
blank = representation.
213 = CCXIII
It is: 213 = CCXIII
C is 100, X is 10 and III is 3. CXIII is 213.
.25 .23333456 and so on. Anything where the first number after the decimal is a 2 (.213, .2894, etc).
two hundred thirteen
how do you write a this as decimal 9265