To write 213 as a decimal, you simply write it as 213.0. This is because whole numbers can be represented as decimals by adding a decimal point and a zero after the number. Therefore, 213 as a decimal is 213.0.
312% of 213= 312% * 213= 3.12 * 213= 664.56
85% of 213 = 85% * 213 = 0.85 * 213 = 181.05
21% of 213= 21% * 213= 0.21 * 213= 44.73
213 - 0.4*213 = 213 - 85.2 = 127.8
30% of 213 = 213*30/100 = 63.9
It is: 29% of 213 = 61.77
40% of 213 = 40% * 213 = 0.4 * 213 = 85.2