How do you write 250% as a mixed number
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
how do you write 17 and 6 in mixed number in simplest form
3.36 as mixed number = 39/25
96.1 as a mixed number = 961/10
As 338 is an integer, it does not contain a fractional part. However you could technically write it as 338 (+) 0/x where x is any value other than zero. For example 338 (+) 0/1 338 (+) 0/2 338 (+) 0/3
How do you write 250% as a mixed number
How do you write 0.259 as a mixed number.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
You write 2.875 as a mixed number as: 27/8
4650000 is an integer and there is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
338 - cccxxxviii
lowest number that goes into 338 = 338
how do you write 17 and 6 in mixed number in simplest form
3.36 as mixed number = 39/25
96.1 as a mixed number = 961/10
It is 76 and 3/100 as a mixed number