5,032,985 = five million, thirty-two thousand, nine hundred eighty-five.
5.20 percent in words = 5 and twenty hundredths percent
The number 45 is written in words by writing the word for the number 40 and combining, or adding, it to the word for the number 5. Therefore, the way to write the number 45 is forty-five.
To write 7.5 in words, you would write "seven point five." This represents the whole number 7 followed by a decimal point and the fractional part 5 tenths. In this case, the decimal point separates the whole number from the fractional part, and the word "point" is used to indicate the decimal point.
Write a muliiplication story with the factors 2 and 5
5 4/5 = 29/5.
5,032,985 is five million, thirty-two thousand, nine hundred eighty-five.
novecientos ochenta y cinco ( 9 8 5 )
The positive integer factors of 985 are: 1, 5, 197, 985
The quotient of 985/5 = 197
The prime factors of 985 are: 5 and 197
No, only these numbers do: 1, 5, 197, 985.
985 / 2 = 492 985 / 3 = 328 985 / 5 = 197 in all cases just round down to get your answer. if you mean how many numbers are divisible by all 3 numbers at the same time: 2x3x5 = 30 985 / 30 = 32
197 X 5 = 985 985 / 8 = 123.125 M.P.H.
The ISBN of TekWorld is 0-87135-985-5.