5,032,985 is five million, thirty-two thousand, nine hundred eighty-five.
The prime factors of 985 are: 5 and 197
985 / 2 = 492 985 / 3 = 328 985 / 5 = 197 in all cases just round down to get your answer. if you mean how many numbers are divisible by all 3 numbers at the same time: 2x3x5 = 30 985 / 30 = 32
word your question differently then i might be able to answer it. im not sure what exactly your asking.a number less than 5: x < 5, in other words all numbers less than 5a number 5 less than another number: x = y - 5, in other words the result of subtracting 5 from some numberDifferent meanings of less than. Admittedly this is a tricky word problem.
That is an integer that cannot be divided by 5 with a remainder of 0.In other words, if you divide the number by 5, the remainder is not 0.
Remainder: Remainder is what you have left after dividing a number. Reciprocal: This is the multiplicative inverse of any number(ex. the reciprocal of 5 = 1/5 and the reciprocal of 4/5 = 5/4).
5,032,985 = five million, thirty-two thousand, nine hundred eighty-five.
The positive integer factors of 985 are: 1, 5, 197, 985
The quotient of 985/5 = 197
The prime factors of 985 are: 5 and 197
No, only these numbers do: 1, 5, 197, 985.
985 / 2 = 492 985 / 3 = 328 985 / 5 = 197 in all cases just round down to get your answer. if you mean how many numbers are divisible by all 3 numbers at the same time: 2x3x5 = 30 985 / 30 = 32
197 X 5 = 985 985 / 8 = 123.125 M.P.H.
The ISBN of TekWorld is 0-87135-985-5.