0.888 is already in decimal form so you do nothing!
COmo se escribe el numero 400.000.000.000 en letras
en effet
There are 2 syllables in the word 'opened' (op-ened)
182 est divisible en combien ?
Initially, to convince New York to ratify the Constitution.
Two suffixes that can be added to the word "light" are "ness" to form "lightness" and "en" to form "lighten".
The Spanish phrase 'vive en' means [he/she/it] lives in... . In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'vive' is the third person singular form in the present indicative tense. And the preposition 'en' means 'in'.
pi is just a number, it is not a machine. It is defined as the circumference/diameter of any circle, the result although defined by a ratio is an irrational number (can't be writt en as a ratio of integers). Pi is also, 3.14, as in the distance of a circle.
There are four syllables in the word "en-com-i-en-da."
'la palabra en' translates to 'the word on'. 'On' would be 'en'.
Europe norm
The suffix for "rewritten" is "-en." The base word "write" becomes "written" when the past participle suffix "-en" is added to indicate that the action has been completed. Therefore, "rewritten" means that something has been written again or revised from its original form.
Root ="light" (Germanic) The non-root suffix "-en" = "to cause to be ..." The non-root prefix "en-" = Italic "in-" (an intensifier) in its French form (probably). This would make the word "enlighten" a hybrid, a mixture of Germanic and Italic.
It is Emergency Number 31
'in' in spanish is en
The Spanish word for "in" is "en".