A single decimal number following the decimal point is a fraction of 10, thus 0.8 means 8/10. If there are two decimal numbers it means a fraction of 100, thus 0.84 means 84/100. Decimal numbers can go on to many places depending on how accurate the number is.
A percentage just means the number of relevant things in a hundred examples. Thus if you say 50 percent of people are overweight, it means 50 in every 100 people. If you say 60 percent voted for candidate X, it means 60 in every 100 people did so, or if you say 8 percent of cars have faulty tires, it means 8 in 100 do so.
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70.8 percent percent as a decimal is 0.708.
To convert a percent to a decimal, express the percent as a decimal then move the decimal point to the left two places:75.5% = 0.755
Seven percent as a decimal is 0.07
30 percent as a decimal is: 0.30
The decimal for 6.6 percent is 660.00