If you are making use of long division method, the process of dividing a whole number is actually a subset of the process of dividing the decimals. While dividing both you may get a quotient with decimal places. Some exceptions to this do exist in case of whole numbers. Like when you are dividing 100 by 2, the quotient 50 has no decimal places.
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When we divide whole numbers, we get the answer with no decimals places but when we divide decimals, the answer will have decimals for the quotient.
0.926 decimals are just the same as whole numbers - if you imagine it without the 0. in front of the numbers then it easier to work out which one is the largest.
Alright, listen up. To order decimals from least to greatest, you simply look at the digits to the left of the decimal point first. If they're the same, move on to the next digit to the right until you find the difference. Don't overcomplicate it, just follow the numbers and you'll be golden.
Each integer is a whole number and each whole number is an integer. So the set of all integers is the same as the set of all whole numbers. By the equivalence of sets, integers and whole numbers are the same.
Dividing by a non-zero rational number is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.
There is some disagreement whether the set of natural numbers includes zero. Other than that, they are the same as whole numbers.