The fraction 4/5 is equal to the fractions 8/10 and 80/100.
8/10 is the decimal 0.8 and 80/100 is equal to 80 percent.
What of these is greater percent .08 or .018
Turn the 8 percent into decimal form, which is .08 and multiply the numbers. 200x.08=16 The answer is $16.
08%0.008 is the same as 0.8 percent (0.8%).
8% = 8/100 = 0.08
Does this mean the whole number 8, or the decimal .08? 8 in fraction form is 8/1. .08 is 8/100, which can be reduced to 4/50 or 2/25.
That refers to .08 percent, (point zero eight percent) or 8 hundredths of a percent.
What of these is greater percent .08 or .018
Turn the 8 percent into decimal form, which is .08 and multiply the numbers. 200x.08=16 The answer is $16.
08%0.008 is the same as 0.8 percent (0.8%).
8% = 8/100 = 0.08