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Multiplying a 4 and 15 will result in 60. You just have to convert both factors into decimals.

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Q: What is the product of multiplying a binary four (0100) and hexadecimal 15 (0F) 1f?
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Why are octal or hexadecimal number systems used as shortcut notations?

With computers it is often bit (binary digit) patterns that matter and with octal or hexadecimal numbers it is easy to convert them to binary as each digit is represented by an exact number of binary digits (3 for octal, 4 for hexadecimal) without any waste.Using *nix access permissions as an example, the basic permissions are split into 3 groups (Owner, Group, World), each with 3 possible permissions (Read, Write and eXecute). These are stored as a bit pattern: if set the permission is granted, if not set permission is not granted. A file with rwxr-x--x (rwx for owner, r-x for group and --x for world) is stored in binary as 111101001 which can be represented in octal easily by reading it in groups of 3 bits: 111101001 → 111 101 001 = 0751, or in hexadecimal by splitting it into groups of 4 bits: 111101001 → 1 1110 1001 = 0x1e9; but to convert it to decimal requires: 256 + 128 + 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 = 489.Similarly, going the other way: what permissions are represented by 420?420 to binary:420 ÷ 2 = 210 r 0210 ÷ 2 = 105 r 0105 ÷ 2 = 52 r 152 ÷ 2 = 26 r 026 ÷ 2 = 13 r 013 ÷ 2 = 6 r 16 ÷ 2 = 3 r 03 ÷ 2 = 1 r 11 ÷ 2 = 0 r 1→ 420 = 110100100 in binary = rw-r--r--420 in octal is 0644 and in hexadecimal is 0x1a40644 to binary: 110 100 100 → 110100100 as before [much quicker and easier]0x1a4 to binary: 1 1010 0100 → 110100100 again.

What is the BCD representation of the decimal number 41 in 6-bit?

41 in decimal is 0100 0001 in BCD (this is 8 bits not 6 bits)41 in decimal is 101001 in binary (this is 6 bits, but binary not BCD)There is no 6 bit BCD representation of the decimal number 41!

What is the gray code of decimal 7?


What is a 4 BCD code?

A 4 BCD code is a 4 decimal-digit BCD code, thus a 16 digit binary-code. You take the decimal number 3545. It's BCD code is 0011 0101 0100 0101 where every 4 bits represent a decimal digit.

How To find a number is odd or even in 8085?

every odd no. has "1" in its last bit and every even no has "0" (in binary) eg- 2=0010 ,3=0011 4=0100 ,5=0101....and so on so just logically "AND" the no with "01H" using instruction [HAVING THAT NO. IN ACCUMULATOR (A)] ANI 01H so if the no. is even => A=0 (and zero flag is set i.e. "1" but if the no is odd then => A=1 means zero flag is reset i.e. "0" so using instruction "JZ" you can find if the no. if even or odd. :)

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How can i Convert 487 from hexadecimal to binary?

1. represent every individual digit of given hexadecimal in binary form like this 4---------> 0100 8---------> 1000 7---------> 0111 2. combine the individual binary digits in order to get the binary of given hexadecimal number 487 ------------> 0100 1000 0111 ( required binary number )

How do you convert hexadecimal 542 to binary?

Write each hexadecimal digit straight into binary: 5 = 0101 4 = 0100 2 = 0010 So 0x542 = 0101 0100 0010 = 10101000010 (without the spaces). Hex digit to binary conversion: 0 = 0000, 1 = 0001, 2 = 0010, 3 = 0011 4 = 0100, 5 = 0101, 6 = 0110, 7 = 0111 8 = 1000, 9 = 1001, a = 1010, b = 1011 c = 1100, d = 1101, e = 1110, f = 1111

What binary number does 5A34F16 represent?

It is simplest to convert each hexadecimal digit into its 4-digit binary equivalent. So: 5 = 0101 A = 1010 3 = 0011 4 = 0100 F = 1111 6 = 0101 So, the binary equivalent is 10110100011010011110101.

What is the binary number 0010000100000000 in hexadecimal?

You need to count off four bits at a time, from the right (this is in case the number of binary digits is not an exact multiple of 4). Then you replace each group of four binary digits by the hexadecimal equivalent. You can easily find a table of conversion online.

What is 52 in binary digits?

0011 0100

What is the binary digit of 52?

0011 0100

How many binary digits are represented by one hexadecimal digit?

Hexadecimal means 16. So that 4 binary bits are represented by a hexadecimal number. 0000 = 0 1000 = 8 0001 = 1 1001 = 9 0010 = 2 1010 = A 0011 = 3 1011 = B 0100 = 4 1100 = C 0101 = 5 1101 = D 0110 = 6 1110 = E 0111 = 7 1111 = F

Could you please convert octal no 53324 to hexadecimal?

You could first convert it to binary, and then to hexadecimal. Because octal and hexadecimal bases are both powers of two, the conversion between those bases and binary is quite easy. To go from octal to binary, take each digit in the number, and convert it to three binary digits: 5 -> 101 3 -> 011 2 -> 010 4 -> 100 So the binary version of the number is: 101 011 011 010 100 In order to convert to hexadecimal, your number of digits needs to be divisible by four (as 24 = 16). To get that, we need to add a digit, which will be a zero as our leftmost digit: 0101 0110 1101 0100 Now we can convert each of those sets of four binary digits into single hexadecimal digits, giving us our final answer: 9AD8

How do you convert 14 into binary?

00010100 Like: 1 = 0001 4 = 0100

What is the binary number of alphabet A?

For Capital A, 0100 0001. For Lowercase A, 0110 0001.

Show calculations on how to convert binary to hexadecimal?

Quick reference chart for converting Hexidecimal to Binary numbers: Hex Binary 0.... 0000 1.... 0001 2.... 0010 3.... 0011 4.... 0100 5.... 0101 6.... 0110 7.... 0111 8.... 1000 9.... 1001 A.... 1010 B.... 1011 C.... 1100 D.... 1101 E.... 1110 F.... 1111

What is the binary coded decimal of 234?

234 in BCD is 0010 0011 0100