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Q: How many significant figures has 200400 been rounded to?
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How many significant figures are in 4000?

4000 has between 1 and 4 significant figures: if it is a rounded number, then it could have been 3999.9, for example, which would be rounded to 4000 to 1, 2, 3 or 4 significant figures.

What is an abbreviated number?

An abbreviated number is a number which has had significant figures removed in order to make calculations easier - a number which has been rounded to an appropriate degree.

How many significant figures are in the number 4.270000?

As trailing zeros after a decimal point are not normally written, for them to be written means they must have significance, so 4.270000 has 7 significant figures (it may have been rounded from 4.2699995 to 7 sig fig). 4.27 (the same value) would only have 3 sig fig.

What does state the place to which each decimal has been rounded?

The answer depends on the situation. You could round the answer so that it does not have more significant figures than any of the components which went into calculating it.

Why 0.00430 has three significant figures?

The zero at the end is significant. It indicates that the number has been rounded to the nearest hundred thousandths: it lies between 0.004295 and 0.004305 whereas if it had two sig figs it would have been rounded to the nearest ten thousandths and lie in the range (0.00425, 0.00435).

How many significant figures in 0.2000?

Trailing zeros after a decimal point are not normally written. As trailing zeros have been written they must be significant; thus 0.2000 has 4 significant figures.

How many significant figures are in the measurement 33050 grams?

There are four significant figures in 33050. The trailing zero is not significant because there is no decimal. There would be five significant figures in 33050. If we were to remove the last zero in the number, we would alter the value of the number. Had the number been 3305.0, then there would have been four significant digits.

How do you round 9174.48 to have the same amount of significant digits as 79.0?

79.0 has three significant figures - as trailing zeros after a decimal point are not usually written, to have been written the zero must have significance. Thus 9174.48 needs to be rounded to 3 significant figures, which is done by using the 4th digit to round the 3rd: the 4th digit is 4, so the number rounds down to 9170

The number of significant figures in 5.400 are?

The number 5.400 has four significant figures. In a decimal number, all non-zero digits are considered significant. The zeros between the non-zero digits are also significant. Therefore, all the digits in 5.400 are significant, making it a four-significant-figure number.

How many significant figures does 4.2010 have?

Trailing zeros after a decimal point are not normally written. As trailing zeros have been written they must be significant; thus 4.2010 has 5 sig fig.

How many significant figures are in 0.00200?

To assess how many significant figures a number has been given to, you first need to find the greatest non-zero digit. In this case that is the 2. The next step is to count how many digits have been given after this one. In this case there are no more. Thus the figure 0.002 is to 1 significant figure.

What is 6724 divided by 38?
