140 doesn't go evenly into 1000. If you calculate 1000 divided by 140, you won't get a whole number. Instead, you'll get a decimal number of 7.142857143.
**(Second, you might have to edit your category because this has nothing to do with composite numbers. If you don't know what a composite number is, it's a number more than two factors.
For example: 36 is a composite number because it has many factors.
Factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36.)
5 with a remainder of 15 These problems are trivial to do in your head.
9 with 55 left over.
this is a division problem. it is just asking to find what 140/8 is therefore 8 goes into 140 17.5 times
It goes in 99/5 times.
59 times.
28 times.
14 times.
70 times.
140 times.
14 times.
1.75 times.
0.02142857142857 times
140 times
1000 times
280/20 = 14 times
5 times.
4.375 times.