140 doesn't go evenly into 1000. If you calculate 1000 divided by 140, you won't get a whole number. Instead, you'll get a decimal number of 7.142857143.
**(Second, you might have to edit your category because this has nothing to do with composite numbers. If you don't know what a composite number is, it's a number more than two factors.
For example: 36 is a composite number because it has many factors.
Factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 36.)
5 with a remainder of 15 These problems are trivial to do in your head.
9 with 55 left over.
this is a division problem. it is just asking to find what 140/8 is therefore 8 goes into 140 17.5 times
It goes in 99/5 times.
59 times.
140 times.
140 times (420 ÷ 3 = 140).
3 times with 20 left over exact answer- 3.5 times
28 times.
14 times.
70 times.
140 times.
14 times.
To determine how many times 50 goes into 140, you would divide 140 by 50. The result of this division is 2.8. However, since you cannot have a fraction of a division, you would round down to the nearest whole number. Therefore, 50 goes into 140 two times with a remainder of 40.
1.75 times.
0.02142857142857 times
140 times