1 Pint = 473.176 ml
20 fl oz (UK) = 568 ml (approx) 20 fl oz (US) = 591 ml (approx)
320 ml = 0.563 pints
Does not convert; milligrams (mg) and grams (g) are measures of weight or mass and mL (milliliters) is a measure of volume.
There are 1000 mL in one litre, thus 70 mL would be the equivalent of .07 litres.
How much is 175 ml in cooking
That is 350 ml.
is 0.8 ml less than 0.5 ml
You don't need to change ml to ml - they're already the same.
828.1 ml
That is 113.398 ml.
That is approximately 750 ml
828.1 ml
A cup is 250 ml. Quarter of that is 62.5 ml.
No, ml is much smaller.
125 ml.