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the sign: <

for example, you can say 5<8 because 8 is bigger than 5,

or 5 is LESS THAN 8

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Q: How would i write the systolic blood pressure is LESS THAN 100 using the 'less than' symbol?
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They're two numbers that are recored when blood pressure is takenwhat are the two numbers?

A person who is apt in measuring blood pressure using the sphygmomanometer records two numbers. The first one is the systolic blood pressure while the second one is the diastolic blood pressure.

What are Korot-koff sounds and how they are produced?

Korotkoff sounds are the sounds heard when measuring blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer. They are produced by the turbulence of blood flow in the brachial artery when the cuff pressure is gradually decreased below the systolic pressure. These sounds correspond to the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings.

What is a sentence using the word diastolic?

The systolic pressure is the upper number, while diastolic is the lower number.His diastolic pressure climbed to 120 in a blood pressure of 220/120.The woman's diastolic blood pressure fell with a large gap between the systolic and diastolic pressures.

Why is it not possible to obtain diastolic blood pressure using the palpatory method?

The palpatory method of obtaining a blood pressure is when the person taking the blood pressure feels the radial pulse (in the wrist) while pumping up the blood pressure cuff. When the radial pulse disappears, this is the systolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure is the pressure exerted in the arteries when the heart has contracted and is forcing the blood through the arteries - it therefore gives the reading for the maximum blood pressure. When we feel a pulse, we are feeling the blood being forced through the arteries (meaning we only feel the pulse at the maximum pressure which is the same as the systolic blood pressure, allowing us to get a systolic blood pressure from feeling the pulse). The diastolic blood pressure is the pressure in the arteries when the heart is relaxed, or the minimum amount of pressure. Because the pressure is lower at this stage, it is not possible to feel the pulse and therefore it is not possible to obtain a diastolic reading using the palpatory method, a stethoscope is required to be able to hear the blood flow rather than feel it.

What is the top number of a blood pressure reading measuring?

Systolic: The blood pressure when the heart is contracting. It is specifically the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The time at which ventricular contraction occurs is called systole.Blood pressure is always given as these two numbers, the systolic and diastolic pressures. Both are important. Usually they are written one above or before the other, such as 120/80 mmHg. The top number is the systolic and the bottom the diastolic. When the two measurements are written down, the systolic pressure is the first or top number, and the diastolic pressure is the second or bottom number (for example, 120/80). If your blood pressure is 120/80, you say that it is "120 over 80."The mmHg part of the measurement stands for millimeters of mercury. This is because the original measuring devices indicated the pressure using a column of mercury. These days digital devices are used but they are calibrated to read in mmHg for consistency.

How do you figure out arterial blood pressure?

Arterial blood pressure is typically measured using a blood pressure cuff and a sphygmomanometer. The cuff is inflated to a pressure higher than the arterial pressure, then slowly deflated while listening for the sound of blood flow through the artery using a stethoscope. The two values measured are systolic pressure (when the heart is contracting) and diastolic pressure (when the heart is relaxed).

What sound get between systolic and diastolic blood pressure?

If you are manually taking a blood pressure measurement using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, the sounds you hear between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure are called Korotkoff sounds, and they are muffled "whooshing" sounds heard with each heart beat and are thought to be caused by turbulent blood flow through the blood vessel caused by partial occlusion by the cuffed sphygmomanometer.

Why is the measurement of pulse pressure so important?

Some evidence suggests that pulse pressure is a better predictor of clinical outcome than the systolic or diastolic blood pressure alone. However, using pulse pressure as a clinical predictor or diagnosis tool is complicated because the pulse pressure doesn't provide unique information. Pulse pressure must be calculated from the systolic and diastolic readings. So, saying that someone has an "elevated pulse pressure" is usually the same as saying that they have an "elevated systolic blood pressure," which is already known to be an important clinical finding requiring treatment.

What the definition of systolic and dystolic?

When taking blood pressure there are two readings, eg 120/70. The first reading (120) is the systolic blood pressure and the second reading (70) is the diastolic blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure is always higher than the diastolic.The systolic reading is when the heart muscle is contracting, pushing blood through the arteries, therefore creating more pressure (hence the higher number) in the arteries.The diastolic reading is when the heart is relaxed and refilling with blood, ready for the next beat, therefore exerting less pressure on the arteries (hence the lower number)

When a doctor takes your blood pressure what is he or she measuring?

Blood pressure measures the pressure (force per area) on the arterial walls during the contraction and relaxation of the heart. Systolic blood pressure, the top reading of the reading, measures the pressure on the arterial walls while the heart undergoes systole. Systole refers to the heart contracting. The diastolic blood pressure - bottom reading - gives us the pressure on the arterial walls during diastole. Diastole is the opposite of systole - the heart relaxes and fills with blood for the next contraction.

What is blood pressure and how do you take it?

It is a reading using a blood pressure cuff that gives you two numbers, the top being 'systolic' and the bottom being 'diastolic'. The systolic pressure is achieved when the left ventricle is pumping blood out into the body, the diastolic blood pressure is achieved when the left ventricle is relaxing. A "normal' blood pressure is 120/80. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is over 140 systolic or over 90 diastolic. Disease states may dictate different goals for blood pressure.

Measurement of blood pressure?

I don't really know what you're getting at with this question. Blood pressure is measured with three numbers, systolic, diastolic, and pulse rate. Systolic pressure measures the blood being pumped through the heart when it contracts, where diastolic measures the relaxation of the heart muscle to allow blood to fill the chambers. Puls rate is how many contract-relax cycles happen in one minute. Hope this helps...