83% as expressed as a decimal is .83 since 83% = 83/100 = .83 Multiply the decimal by the number in question to get your answer. .83 * 240 = 199.2
To convert 3.83 into a mixed number, you first write down the whole number part, which is 3. Then, you take the decimal part, .83, and convert it to a fraction by placing it over 100 (since there are two decimal places). This gives you 83/100. Therefore, 3.83 as a mixed number is 3 83/100.
To change any percent into a decimal, multiply the percent by 0.01 (exact); therefore 83 percent = 0.83
To write 8.3 as an improper fraction, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. Since 8.3 can be expressed as 83/10 (moving the decimal point one place to the right), the improper fraction would be 83/10.
Expressed as a decimal, 1 83/100 is equal to 1.83.
As a decimal it is 1.83 As a fraction it is 1 83/100
8300 If as i suspect, you meant 83 hundredths, this would be 83/100 which would be 0.83
It is simply: 83.0
You can also write that as 0.83.
You simply divide 64 by 83....which is .77
1.83 is equal to 183 hundredths. This is because in decimal form, the first digit after the decimal point represents tenths, and the second digit represents hundredths. Therefore, in 1.83, the 8 represents 80 hundredths and the 3 represents 3 hundredths, totaling 83 hundredths.
-0.83 = -83/100
83/10 = 8.3
83 hundreds = 8,300 83 hundredths = 0.83
It is: 8.3% = 0.083 as a decimal
83% as expressed as a decimal is .83 since 83% = 83/100 = .83 Multiply the decimal by the number in question to get your answer. .83 * 240 = 199.2