As a decimal it is 1.83 As a fraction it is 1 83/100
To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
89 one hundredths as a decimal = 89.0189 1/100 = 89.01
851 and 1/100 = 851.01 in decimal
As a decimal it is 1.83 As a fraction it is 1 83/100
To convert 83 to a decimal, it remains as 83. To convert 1 and a third to a decimal, we first convert the fraction 1/3 to a decimal by dividing 1 by 3, which equals 0.3333 (repeating). Adding 83 and 1.3333 gives us 84.3333 as the decimal representation of 83 and 1 and a third.
1 and 18 hundredths = 1.18 in decimal
1.83 is equal to 183 hundredths. This is because in decimal form, the first digit after the decimal point represents tenths, and the second digit represents hundredths. Therefore, in 1.83, the 8 represents 80 hundredths and the 3 represents 3 hundredths, totaling 83 hundredths.
55 hundredths as decimal = 0.5555 * 1/100 = 0.55
89 one hundredths as a decimal = 89.0189 1/100 = 89.01
1 and 1/100 = 1.01 as a decimal
100 hundredths = 100/100 = 1/1 = 1 503 hundredths = 503/100 = 5.03/1 = 5.03
1 and 37/100 as a decimal is 1.37
851 and 1/100 = 851.01 in decimal