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Q: If c is the hypotenuse of a right triangle find the missing side. If necessary round to the nearest hundredth. B 11 a 4 c?
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How do you find the length to a missing side of a right triangle?

Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2= c2 where c is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Hypotenuse is the side of a right triangle opposite to the right angle.

What is the missing length of a right triangle if b equals 35 and c equals 37?

Because there is no information on which side is the hypotenuse, there is not a unique answer. The hypotenuse can either be the missing side or c. If the hypotenuse is the missing side, then it has a length of sqrt(2594) = 50.93133 units. If c is the hypotenuse the missing side is 12 units long.

Find the missing side of a right triangle whose hypotenuse is 13 if one of the sides of the triangle is 5?


What is the missing length of an right triangle with length s of 7in and 18in?

If the 7" and 18" are the two legs, then the hypotenuse is 19.313" (rounded). If the 18" is the hypotenuse, then the missing leg is 16.583" (rounded).

Who figured out how to find out the hypotenuse in a triangle?

The pythagorean theorem is the equation used to find the hypotenuse or missing side in a right triangle. It is named after Pythagoras of Samos, a mathematician who lived in the 5th and 6th centuries BC.

What is the missing hypotenuse of the right triangle 21 and 20?

Using the Pythagorean theorem: 20²+21² = 400+441 = 841 = 29² So the hypotenuse is of length 29

What is the length of an altitude drawn to a hypotenuse if the only given sides are 5 and 26?

There is not enough information for an unambiguous answer. If the missing side is the hypotenuse, then the altitude is 4.910 units. If the missing sides is one of the legs of the triangle, the altitude is 4.907 units.

What is the missing side of a equals 4 and b equals 9 in a right triangle?

There are two possibilities: either 9 is the lnegth of the hypotenuse, or the missing length is. If 9 is the longest side, this leaves √65 ≈ 8 asthe remaining side. If the missing side is the hypotenuse, then it is √97 ≈ 10.

If you have a triangle one side is 7 cm and one side is 13 cm what is the length of the missing side?

I don't think there is enough information to answer the question, first of all, is it a right triangle? Second, is the the 13cm the hypotenuse. Assuming that 13cm is the hypotenuse, and the triangle is a right triangle, the equation would be 49+x^2=169

How do you use sine in math?

The sine function is used in trigonometric calculations when attempting to find missing side lengths of a right triangle. The sine of an angle in a triangle is equal to the length of the side opposite of that angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle. Using this fact you can calculate the length of the hypotenuse if you know an angle measure and the length of one leg of the triangle. You can also calculate the length of a leg of the triangle if you know an angle measure and the length of the hypotenuse.

What is the value of X in a right triangle if one side is 14 and the hypotenuse is 28?

It depends on whether X is the missing side, one of the angles or some other measure of the triangle.

How do you find a missing length in isosceles triangle?

1) The hypotenuse side will ALWAYS be the the side w/ the radical 2. 2) So if you want to find the HYPOTENUSE of an ISOSCELES triangle, you MULTIPLY one of the LEGS by the the square root of 2. 3) If you want to find the LEG of an ISOSCELES triangle, you DIVIDE the HYPOTENUSE by the square root of 2. ***** Hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle= one leg divided by square root of 2. ***** Leg of an isosceles triangle= hypotenuse divided by the square root of 2. You can also get all the help you need through my page on Facebook, 'Your Help' Merna Awad-ElSols