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Consider this:

If A can be split into AB, where B is the lesser number (factor), then it can divide in. Thus, the GCF of the 2 numbers must be the lesser number, so that is true.

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Q: If one number is a factor of another number will the GCF always be the lesser number?
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If one number is a factor of another number will the greatest common factor will be the lesser number. explain?

If one number is a factor of another number, the greatest common factor will be the lesser number. Example: 3 and 9 3 is a factor of 9 3 is a factor of 3 There can be no higher factor of a number than the number itself. Therefore, the GCF of 3 and 9 is 3.

Is it true that when one number is multiple of another the greatest common factor of the numbers is greater of the numbers?

No, the lesser.

What is the LCM of 8 and 15 if the lesser number is a factor of the greater number?

The LCM of 8 and 15 is 120. If the lesser number were a factor of the greater number, the LCM would be the greater number.

How can you test to determine if a factor is a factor of another number?

Divide the factor into the number. If the answer is a whole number, the factor is a factor.

Is there any number that are always a factor?

The only number that is always a factor is 1. This is based on my assumption that there are no decimals in your answer.

Is a common factor a number that goes into another number without having any remainders?

No, that's just a factor. A common factor is when that factor is also a factor of another number.

How can you determine if a number is a factor of another number?

If a number can be evenly divided by another number, the smaller number is a factor of the larger number.

Is a factor a multiple?

As a general rule, multiples tend to be larger than factors. This is not always true. 9 is a factor of 27. 6 is a multiple of 3. The important distinction is in the relationship to the number they are factors or multiples of. A factor will be equal to or lesser than the number. A multiple will be equal to or greater than the number.

Which number is always a factor?

The number 1.

If a number is a factor of another number can it be a multiple also of the same number?

No. A number cannot be both a factor and a multiple of another number. A number can be multiple and factor of itself, but nothing else.

What is a factor A factor is a number or quantity that when multipled with another produces a given number or expression?

A factor is a number or quantity that when multipled with another produces a given number or expression.

If you know a factor of a number can you find another factor explain?

Factors come in pairs. If you know one factor, divide it into the number. The answer will be another factor.