No, 2.3 is a decimal, not a whole number. A whole number is a 1, 2, 3, and so on.
To the nearest whole number it is 23
To convert the fraction 23/8 into a whole number, you need to perform long division. When you divide 23 by 8, you get 2 with a remainder of 7. Therefore, the fraction 23/8 can be expressed as the mixed number 2 7/8.
An integer is a whole number. For instance, 1, 2, 3... There is no decimal part. So 23 is an integer. A rational number is a number that can be written as a/b. 23 can be written as 23/1, so 23 is a rational number. Thus, 23 is BOTH an integer and a rational number.
It will round up to give 23.
23 is a whole number.
To convert 23 percent into a whole number, you need to divide 23 by 100 and then multiply the result by 100. This is because percent means "per hundred." So, 23 percent as a whole number would be 23 divided by 100, which equals 0.23, then multiply by 100 to get 23 as a whole number.
23.017 to the nearest whole number = 23
23% of 41 rounded to the nearest whole number:= 23% * 41= 0.23 * 41= 9 (9.43)
It is a prime number so the only whole number is 23x1 = 23 or it has to be decimal ( 11.5x2=23 ).
It is not the square of a whole number; but it is the square of a real number. If you calculate the square root of 23, you will get a real number. That real number times itself will equal 23. But the square root will not be a simple whole number. It will have an endless decimal fraction.
Yes.Yes -23 is an integer or a whole number
A mixed number, such as 23/4
23.16 rounded to the nearest whole number is 23
Yes, it is.