The number is .03 in standard notation.
303.3333333333333 9.1 = .03 * n 9.1 / .03 = n n = 303.3333333333333 or 303.3
.03 if rounded to the hundredth's place
Wonder Bar was created on 1934-03-31.
Bar Bender was created on 2006-04-03.
Violant of Bar died on 1431-07-03.
Sergiu Bar was born on 1980-03-19.
Shraga Bar was born on 1948-03-24.
Amos Bar died on 2011-03-15.
Bar-ba-sol was created on 2009-03-23.
Girl Walks Into a Bar was created on 2011-03-07.
Yes. The only difference in the 97-02 and 03-06, is the sleeve to go over the rear bar has 4 domes on it in the 03-06 model tops.
Five Guys Walk into a Bar... was created on -1975-03-07.
The Bridge Is Over was created on 1987-03-03.
There is a store in Tel Aviv called "Doo Krav". Doo Krav's address is: 63 Bar-Kochva St. Phone number: 03-5257706.